Ethical, practical and stylish
Our Oeko-Tex® certified fabric was specially developed for Rivea using plastic bottles recovered from beaches or fished out of the Mediterranean. Ethical, yet stylish and practical too, this high-end fabric is soft to the touch, dries quickly and is highly resistant to wear and tear.

Reduced carbon footprint
There was never any doubt that our swimwear would be produced in Europe. Not just because Europe has labour laws and safety standards to protect its workers, but also because of the environmental impact of transport. In line with our values and commitments, our swim shorts are manufactured in small production units in northern Portugal, with whom we have developed strong, lasting relationships.

Sublime, sustainable footprint
Our prints are inspired by the Riviera and all the stories that surround it. The fabric is printed by sublimation, using water-based, solvent-free inks and a heat press. Not only is this one of the most eco-friendly printing processes, but it also produces some of the most sustainable results, as the colours are highly resistant to the effects of salt, sea and chlorine.

A sens of detail
Parce que « le diable se cache dans les détails », nous ne laissons rien au hasard. Voici la liste de ces petites choses qui changent tout et auxquelles nous prêtons particulièrement attention :
- Des œillets placés à l’arrière du maillot pour garantir une bonne évacuation de l’eau.
- Des coutures disposant de nombreux points d’arrêts aux endroits renforcés.
- Des cordons terminés par des aglets légèrement incurvés confectionnés en zamac inoxydable – un alliage de zinc, d’aluminium et de magnésium – et ornés du logo Rivea.
- Des poches arrière pliées, assemblées et positionnées manuellement pour s’ajuster parfaitement au dessin de l’imprimé.

A button made with ocean waste
Certains diront que ce n’est qu’un détail. Pour nous, il a toute son importance. Nous prêtons une attention particulière à la confection du bouton Rivea de nos maillots de bain. Dessiné à la main sur de la cire perdue par une bijoutière genevoise, le bouton est orné du logo et des vagues caractéristiques de Rivea. Parce que nous privilégions une production locale et écoresponsable, il est confectionné en Suisse en Rpet et moulé manuellement avec la précision helvétique.

All our swimwear comes in a waterproof pouch made of TPU, a new, sustainable, biodegradable material. Perfect to take with you to the beach, on the boat, or on the terrace, on all your summer getaways.

We firmly believe that small things can have a big impact. What better reason to ensure that even the buttons on our swim shorts are made from eco-friendly rPET, produced by a Swiss start-up in Basel.

Because we don’t believe in leaving anything to chance, we asked a jewellery artist based in Geneva to design the perfect button for our swim shorts. By reworking the Rivea logo and stylised waves graphic, in her hands the button a work of true craftsmanship.