RiveArt Collection

By blending know-how, bringing together worlds that may seem far apart, uniting styles and ideas, creativity is enhanced tenfold. At Rivea, we believe in this notion of sharing, and we've turned it into a collection called RiveArt. Through RiveArt swimwear, we honor talented personalities, artists or sportsmen, craftsmen or creative people, whose work we admire and with whom we have much to share. RiveArt swimwears are collabs that combine art, craftsmanship, R&D and eco-responsibility. These are the values that define us, highlighted by the talents of our chosen designers, who create elegant swimwear with unique designs, in limited editions.
maillot de bain pop éco responsable short de bain de luxe Maillot de bain Seaqual Luxury swim short Sustainable beachwear Ecological Swimwear swimwear Father & Sonmaillot de bain pop éco responsable short de bain de luxe Maillot de bain Seaqual Luxury swim short Sustainable beachwear Ecological Swimwear swimwear Father & Son

Bouteiller - Pop

Discover Bouteiller

CHF 145
homme allongé maillot de bain luxe haut de gamme rouge motifs short de bain écologique maillot de bain écoresponsable  maillot de bain francais magasin maillot de bain Saint-tropez maillot de bain luxe haut de gamme rouge motifs short de bain écologique maillot de bain écoresponsable  maillot de bain francais magasin maillot de bain Saint-tropez

Bouteiller - Pink waves

Discover Bouteiller

CHF 145
Rivea maillot de bain éco-responsable suisse luxe Hope 1393 RiveArt sustainable swimwear luxury art collaboration homme menRivea maillot de bain éco-responsable suisse luxe Hope 1393 RiveArt sustainable swimwear luxury art collaboration homme men

Hope 1393 - Black

Discover Hope 1393

CHF 150
homme avec des pinceaux maillot de bain éco responsable short de bain de luxe Maillot de bain Seaqual Luxury swim short Sustainable beachwear ecological Swimwear maillot de bain éthique ecological swimwear mailot de bain saint tropez maillot de bain luxe

Bouteiller - Blue waves

Discover Bouteiller

CHF 145
Alan Roura Rivea maillot de bain Riveart éco-responsable sustainable swimwear men homme luxe luxury swiss Alan Roura - Navy

Alan Roura - Navy

Discover Alan Roura

CHF 145
Rivea maillot de bain éco-responsable suisse luxe Hope 1393 RiveArt sustainable swimwear luxury art collaboration homme menHope 1393  - Yellow

Hope 1393 - Yellow

Discover Hope 1393

CHF 150
Alan Roura Rivea maillot de bain Riveart éco-responsable sustainable swimwear men homme luxe luxury swiss Alan Roura - Blue

Alan Roura - Blue

Discover Alan Roura

CHF 145
maillot de bain luxe haut de gamme vert motifs short de bain écologique maillot de bain écoresponsable maillot de bain suisse sustainable swimwear Riveamaillot de bain luxe haut de gamme vert motifs short de bain écologique maillot de bain écoresponsable maillot de bain suisse sustainable swimwear Rivea

MyCrown - Green

Discover MyCrown

CHF 150
maillot de bain luxe haut de gamme jaune motifs short de bain écologique maillot de bain écoresponsable maillot de bain suisse sustainable swimwear Riveamaillot de bain luxe haut de gamme jaune motifs short de bain écologique maillot de bain écoresponsable maillot de bain suisse sustainable swimwear Rivea

MyCrown - Yellow

Discover MyCrown

CHF 150